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Paper peepshows are like pocket-sized stage sets unfolding before your eyes. Made from layered paper panels, complete with action-packed scenes, they expand to create an illusion of depth and reveal a miniature world.

The peepshow construction is simpler than it looks, but you will need a craft knife or scalpel for precise paper-cutting.

Make sure your printer settings are set to 100%. You can print the templates directly on to your mid-weight paper if your printer allows. Why not try sourcing your own imagery to create a unique personalised scene?

This early example was published in 1825. As the viewer peeps through the branches of a tree, a country scene unfolds, dotted with shepherds and their sheep. The eye is led towards the back panel, revealing a large country house, with ladies rowing across a nearby stream.

Teleorama No. 1, paper peepshow, published by Heinrich Friedrich Müller, about 1825, Austria. Museum no. Gestetner 1. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Use the template in the attachment and start to create your own paper peepshow!

We would love to see your masterpiece, so please ask a parent or guardian to take a picture and share your work with us on social media! #kuuoliving

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